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People Behind The Mission: Meet Joane Okuthe


Our People Behind The Mission Series features various Trees for the Future (TREES) team members. The initiative lets others get to know more of our staff across the globe by sharing more about themselves and the interworkings of their role within the organization.

Today we are taking you to Migori, Kenya, a town in the southwest region of the country near Lake Victoria and the Tanzania border. Here you’ll get to meet Joane Okuthe and learn more about her critical role at TREES.

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Joane, please tell us more about your role here at TREES. What is your title and how long have you been with us?

I have been with Trees for the Future for 5 years and am now an Operations Coordinator in Migori for the six Migori with over 3,500 farmers. Prior to this I was an Environmental Consultant and was enthusiastic about joining an organization championing the green agenda or having a bias for regenerative agriculture which TREES seemed to be championing. 

Throughout the years, we encountered challenges, such as rugged terrain, bad roads, and adverse weather conditions. However, our unwavering spirit and camaraderie fueled our determination to overcome every obstacle. We supported and encouraged each other, making the journey not only about regenerating land and helping others but also about building lasting friendships and a sense of community. 

What is your favorite thing about working at TREES?

Making impacts on the environment while creating a source of livelihood downstream for different stakeholders

Joane also told us that the most challenging aspect of work is that she is a young mother and has an infant at home. Juggling staff and farmer training with infant needs can be difficult to manage.


Tell us about your day-to-date work.

My day-to-day work involves a mix of people management, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and utilizing my analytical skills. Each morning, I review my tasks and prioritize them based on deadlines, delegate assignments, and align them to project objectives. I spend a significant amount of time communicating with team members and stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned and updated. 

Additionally, I actively participate in meetings, both internal and external, where I contribute my insights, provide status updates, and address any challenges or roadblocks that may arise to facilitate seamless collaboration. 

Overall, my day-to-day work is dynamic, requiring a balance of strong organizational skills, effective communication, and analytical thinking to ensure the successful execution of projects and the achievement of desired outcomes.

“…Every small effort contributes to a greater cause, and by working together, we can create a more sustainable and beautiful world for future generations.

Do you have a favorite story from your work at TREES?

One of my favorite experiences working at TREES was the day we embarked on a Migori 1 graduation planning. The team and I had spent several weeks preparing for this endeavor, coordinating logistics, and gathering the necessary resources under my leadership. 

Throughout the planning weeks, we not only focused on graduation day, but it also gave me time to reflect on the four-year journey of being part of a team focused on restoring ecosystems and helping families. The enthusiasm and passion among our team were infectious, as we shared a common goal of creating a greener and more sustainable environment for all. 

Starting the project, equipped with motorbikes, seeds, tools, training, and determination, we set out to transform and make an impact on our delegated regions. Each member of the team had a specific role, ensuring efficient teamwork and optimized productivity.  
As the years progressed, the transformation has been truly remarkable. From some barren wasteland, some of the desolated areas started have come alive with the vibrant green hues of the newly planted trees. It has been
awe-inspiring to witness nature’s resilience and the impact we have been making as a team. 

See also  Community in Action: For a Fitter Planet

Throughout the years, we encountered challenges, such as rugged terrain, bad roads, and adverse weather conditions. However, our unwavering spirit and camaraderie fueled our determination to overcome every obstacle. We supported and encouraged each other, making the journey not only about regenerating land and helping others but also about building lasting friendships and a sense of community. 

As the farmers graduated recently, we took the moment to appreciate the beauty we had helped create and the positive impact it would have on the ecosystem and the local community. 

This experience left an indelible mark on me. It reinforced my belief in the power of collective action and the importance of environmental stewardship. It also reminded me that every small effort contributes to a greater cause, and by working together, we can create a more sustainable and beautiful world for future generations.


    What is the best thing about your role in particular?

    It gives me a personal fulfillment that my work contributes to the betterment of the environment and the well-being of future generations. This brings me a deep sense of purpose and pride.

    In addition, Joan told us about the challenges of being a female in the workplace. She discussed how at times it can be difficult being in a historically male-dominated industry but she wants young girls to know that we have a duty to create a mark and leave the world a better place than we found it.

    What’s your favorite thing that you’ve learned at TREES?

    By being actively involved in tree planting and restoration projects, I have witnessed firsthand how the presence of trees can have a cascading effect on the environment and people. Trees not only provide oxygen and filter the air we breathe but also help regulate temperature, prevent soil erosion, and support biodiversity by creating habitats for various species. 

    In my role, I have developed a keen eye for observing the specific needs and characteristics of different tree species. Understanding their growth patterns, soil requirements, and vulnerability to pests or diseases has allowed me to contribute effectively to our planting initiatives. This knowledge has not only enhanced my technical skills but also deepened my understanding of the broader ecological system. 

    Additionally, working alongside other dedicated professionals and volunteers has taught me the power of collaboration and teamwork. Tree planting is a collective effort that involves coordination among various stakeholders, including foresters, environmentalists, and community members. Through these collaborations, I have realized that achieving our environmental goals requires a multidisciplinary approach and the ability to leverage the unique expertise of each team member. 

    Moreover, my experiences in the field have made me acutely aware of the environmental challenges we face and the urgency needed for taking action. Witnessing deforestation, habitat loss, and the impacts of climate change has strengthened my resolve to advocate for sustainable practices and raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural resources. 

    Overall, the knowledge and experiences I have gained from our organization have not only honed my technical skills but have also instilled in me a sense of responsibility and stewardship toward the environment and local communities. It has been truly rewarding to contribute to the restoration of ecosystems and play a part in creating a greener and more sustainable future. 


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    When not working, she says that in her free time, she recharges by engaging in self-care. Cheers to that!

    We are so grateful for Joane and our Trees for the Future team members. The impact on people and the planet would not be possible without them. Thank you Joane for all you do!

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