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Lake Victoria Floods Update

Ugandan farmer Loyce Ajambo was one of millions of people affected by record-breaking flooding around Lake Victoria in 2020. From March to as late as August in some areas of the Lake Victoria basin, water levels rose to an all-time high. The flooding displaced hundreds of thousands of people in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, making … Continued

One Dad’s Mission to Build a Better Future for his Kids

Joseck Wafula is a hardworking father of 11 from a small Ugandan village called Budibya West. He is the lead farmer for Buyosi Farmer Group, one of several farmer groups in Trees for the Future’s (TREES) Busia 3 project. Joseck says it was his desire to provide for his family that motivated him to join … Continued

Meet The Women Who are Disrupting Senegal’s Peanut Basin

Sokhna Diarra is one of 226 women redefining agriculture in her Kaffrine, Senegal village of Boulel. A farmer her entire adult life, Sokhna says everyone in the region has always grown just two crops: peanuts and millet. “I am 38-years-old and it is in these last three years that I [learned] that the land of … Continued

Catching Up with a Trees for the Future Forest Garden Graduate

Simon Ng’ang’a was one of the first farmers to join Trees for the Future’s (TREES) Forest Garden program in Ikinu, Kenya back in 2015. The 30+ year old organization has worked all over the world, but in 2014 the nonprofit began focusing entirely on what they call the Forest Garden Approach. When local TREES staff … Continued

From Better Feed to a Better Way of Farming

Ann Wairimu Kimani is a goat and chicken farmer in Ikinu, Kenya. Several years ago, Ann’s neighbor gave her some dried calliandra leaves to add to her goat feed. After feeding the calliandra to her goats, Ann says the goats started doubling their milk production, going from .3 liters a day to .6 liters a … Continued

Finding Opportunity in the Land, Not Across the Sea

At the end of 2019 Senegalese cashew farmer Mamadou Fall had lost faith in his land and in farming. Like many farmers in Fatick, the third poorest region in Senegal, Mamadou worked hard to provide for his family, but he couldn’t make ends meet year-round. He started making plans to leave his home and find … Continued

200 Million Trees

Silver Spring, MD (January 5, 2020) – Sustainable agriculture nonprofit Trees for the Future (TREES) has planted more than 200 million trees around the world. Tens of thousands of farmers planted the trees on their own land over the last three decades in conjunction with agroforestry training provided by TREES.  “We are ecstatic to reach … Continued

Tanzanian Farmer Finds Pride in Her Forest Garden

When Tanzanian Forest Garden farmer Salma Mussa looks around her property, she says much of what is there today didn’t exist just two years ago. “Pigeon peas, spinach, lettuce, okra, onions, papaya, passion fruit, avocado, timber trees, living fence… all these components which I have just mentioned, were not here before,” she says.  Before, Salma … Continued

Farmer Embraces Agroforestry at 66 and Transforms his Land

When Francis Adupa joined nonprofit Trees for the Future (TREES) four years ago, he says he saw it as a chance to start over at 66 years old. And he was right. As one of the oldest farmers in the program, staff say Francis is also one of the most hardworking.  Before joining TREES, Francis … Continued

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