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Hurricanes & the Importance of Trees

I’ve seen this happen before, and it was horrifying.  Hurricane Katrina, the 2005 catastrophe in Louisiana, was followed by Hurricanes Ophelia and Rita, all of which started out as tropical depressions off the coast of West Africa, and all of which caused death and destruction. Today, as The Bahamas continues counting the fatalities from Hurricane … Continued

You Can’t Have Your Burger and Eat it Too: Amazon Fires

There are wildfires and then there are fires.  Wildfires can occur for a number of reasons, and they are expected to increase as climate change leads to drier conditions and more uncontrollable blazes.  This is not what we are seeing in Brazil. Today the Amazon burns as Brazilian agribusinesses and farmers clear forests for ranching … Continued

Aerial Survey Report: Kaffrine 3, Senegal, August 2019

August, 2019 Andrew Zacharias, Deputy Director, Monitoring & Evaluation Introduction This report is intended to provide an introduction to the Trees for the Future (TREES) Monitoring & Evaluation Aerial Surveying Program, the TREES Leaf Area Index indicator and its relationship to microclimates, the Above-Ground Biomass metric, and an analysis of the Baseline and Year 1 data … Continued

Soil Regeneration

What Happened to All the Soil? The planet is losing topsoil at an alarming rate, fortunately, we know why and we know how to fix it. To better understand the problem and the sweeping consequences of soil degradation, look to the oceans. Around the world, ocean dead zones are growing at alarming rates, making entire … Continued

7 Ways Forest Gardens Promote Independence

Forest Gardens promote health, prosperity, and INDEPENDENCE. These are just 7 ways they enable a more independent lifestyle for farming families. 1 – Financial Independence Trees for the Future provides the training and resources for farmers to earn a reliable income. Within a year or two, Forest Garden farmers can rely on themselves to make … Continued

A Green Return

In the face of conflict and other security problems, many in West Africa are often forced to leave their homes and resettle elsewhere as refugees. This displacement and resettlement weakens the balance of affected rural populations and can cause further conflict in newly settled regions. For that reason, enabling refugees to return home whenever possible … Continued

Meet Brandy Lellou, Director of Programs

Get to know Trees for the Future’s Director of Programs Brandy Lellou Written by Brandy Lellou In 2005, after just returning from seven years working in the northwest African desert country of Mauritania, I sat around the table with Dave Deppner, the founder of Trees for the Future (TREES) and John Leary, now Executive Director, … Continued

More Projects than Ever Before

Between the start of Trees for the Future’s official Forest Garden Program in 2015 and the end of 2018, we launched 19 Forest Garden projects. These projects have made incredible impact on farmers, their families, and the environment. As more farmers have joined Trees for the Future, they’ve shared the news of their improved crop … Continued

10 Essential Ways Trees Help Our Planet

1. Trees provide food Papaya, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons, peaches, coconuts, cashews, apples and more come from trees. Beyond these nutritious and delicious fruits, some of our favorite spices also come from various parts of trees including cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. Trees are also the source of almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews, too! Finally, … Continued

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