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A Walk Through Peter’s Market

“Welcome to my market!”   Peter Musimbi welcomes us as we step between the calliandra trees that line his Forest Garden and approach his permagarden beds. Each bed contains tiny sprouts of food crops like sukuma wiki (ready for harvest!), cow peas and garden peas. This “market” is active all year long, and the profits … Continued

Trees for the Future named Lipman Family Prize Honoree

Trees for the Future named Lipman Family Prize Honoree Trees for the Future is thrilled and grateful to be selected from over 140 organizations as one of the three 2020 Lipman Family Prize Honorees. Learn more about this incredible award here.

10 Essential Ways Trees Help Our Planet

1. Trees provide food Papaya, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons, peaches, coconuts, cashews, apples and more come from trees. Beyond these nutritious and delicious fruits, some of our favorite spices also come from various parts of trees including cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. Trees are also the source of almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews, too! Finally, … Continued

Improving our Planet: Monitoring TREES’ Environmental Impact with Drones

March 7, 2019 By Elizabeth Norikane, East Africa Communications Specialist with contributions from Andrew Zacharias, Deputy Director of Monitoring and Evaluation When standing in a Forest Garden, you can feel the life around you. Year to year, it feels greener, lusher, and more alive. However, measuring this can be difficult. While we find counting trees and discussing … Continued

“Milking” Fodder Trees for a Richer and Healthier Future

Fodder trees are powerhouses for our famers in Ikinu, Kenya.  As part of the first year of our Forest Garden Approach, fodder trees were used to establish a visible boundary and barrier around each farmer’s plot.  These living fences are most often comprised of Calliandra calothyrsus, Leucaena trichandra , and Sesbania sesban, all of which … Continued

Forest Gardens and Beekeeping: Friends with Benefits

July 17, 2017 By Elizabeth Norikane Honeybees contribute to more than a third of all agricultural production, significantly enhance biodiversity, and improve crop yields.  And although they can be found almost everywhere, in recent years there has been a decline in bee populations, threatening the world’s food supply. Through the work of Trees for the … Continued

HIV Patients Find Support in Their Farmer Group

Our Forest Garden program is designed so that our farmers are a part of a group, attending trainings together and relying on one another for support and guidance throughout the various stages of the planning, planting, and harvesting.  Sometimes, however, our farmer groups are more than just farmers learning agricultural techniques together. For the Upendo … Continued

A Recipe for Success: Natural Pesticide in Uganda

Mixing a few common plants and materials found around her home, Ajok Lilly has found a way to naturally keep bugs and pests away from her garden. Ajok Lilly explained she was skeptical when she learned from the TREES Trainers that a combination of plants, soap, and water would effectively do the work of the … Continued

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