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Document Information
1 Kenya Technical Report Assessment of National Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities_2016 Kenya_Technical Report Assessment of National Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities_2016
2 Biodiversity Assessment Report Available for VVB Review
3 New Project Area Stakeholder Identification Process Available for VVB Review
4 Kenya Vision 2030 Kenya Vision 2030
5 Farmer Focus Group Feedback on FG Design Available for VVB Review
6 Design of the Full Forest Garden and all its components Design of the Full Forest Garden and all its components
7 Kenya’s First NDC Updated Version Kenya’s First NDC Updated Version
8 MRF Data from first outplanting Available for VVB Review
9 First Instance of Registered Farmers Available for VVB Review
10 Adaptive Management Plan Available for VVB Review
11 Gender and Inclusion Workshop Report Available for VVB Review
12 Lake Victoria Watershed Agroforestry Carbon Project Landholder Agreement Available for VVB Review
13 Long Term Management, Communications, Monitoring and Financial Plan Proof of Financial Stability Available for VVB Review
14 Lake Victoria Basin Agroforestry Carbon Project LULCC Report Available for VVB Review
15 Stakeholder engagement plan Available for VVB Review
16 Technical Manual Technical Manual
17 Facilitator’s Guide Facilitator’s Guide
18 Farmer Workbooks Farmer Workbooks
19 Summary of Mobilization Process Available for VVB Review
19a Mobilization Facilitators Guide Mobilization Facilitators Guide
19b Posters in English Posters in English
19c Posters in Swahili Posters in Swahili
19d Carbon Posters Carbon Posters
19e Carbon contract talking points Available for VVB Review
20 Lead Farmer Feedback Available for VVB Review
21 TREES Kenya Personnel Manual and Code of Conduct TREES Kenya Personnel Manual and Code of Conduct
22 TREES Issue Reporting (Whistleblower) Policy TREES Issue Reporting (Whistleblower) Policy
23 TREES Policy for Prevention, Reporting, and Response to Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy for Prevention, Reporting, and Response to Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment
24 FGA Farmers Training Framework FGA Farmers Training Framework
25 TREES Procurement Policy TREES Procurement Policy
26 TREES Accounting Policy TREES Accounting Policy
27 Agriculture (Farm Forestry) Rules Agriculture (Farm Forestry) Rules/a>
28 Environmental Management and Coordination (Amendment) Act, 2015 Environmental Management and Coordination (Amendment) Act, 2015
29 Climate Change Amendment Act Climate Change Amendment Act 2023
30 National Land Policy, 2009 National Land Policy, 2009
31 The Land Act, 2012 The Land Act, 2012
32 Land Laws (Amendment) Act, 2016 Land Laws (Amendment) Act, 2016
33 The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy, 2017 The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy, 2017
34 Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013 Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013
35 Agriculture Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013 Agriculture Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013
36 Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations (2003) Amendments in 2007 and 2009 Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations (2003) Amendments in 2007 and 2009
37 Natural Resources Benefit Sharing Bill, 2014 Natural Resources Benefit Sharing Bill, 2014
38 The Water Act, 2002 The Water Act, 2002
39 County Government Act, 2012, revised 2013 County Government Act, 2012, revised 2013
40 The Community Land Bill, 2015 The Community Land Bill, 2015
41 National Museums and Heritage Act, 2006 National Museums and Heritage Act, 2006
42 National Policy on Gender and Development, 2000 National Policy on Gender and Development, 2000
43 Companies Act (Law of Kenya Cap 486) Companies Act (Law of Kenya Cap 486)
44 Employment Act Employment Act
45 The Labor Institutions Act Labor Institutions Act
46 The Regulation of Wages (General) Order The Regulation of Wages (General) Order
47 Employment and Labor Relations Court Act Employment and Labor Relations Court Act
48 Work Injury Benefits Act Work Injury Benefits Act
49 Occupational and Safety Health Act Occupational and Safety Health Act
50 National Social Security Fund Act National Social Security Fund Act
51 National Health Insurance Fund Act National Health Insurance Fund Act
52 Income Tax Act – Cap 480 Income Tax Act – Cap 480
53 Industrial Training Act Industrial Training Act
55 RothC Inputs Available for VVB Review
56 Soil Sample Collection Procedure Available for VVB Review
57 Field Area Measurement Survey Questions Field Area Measurement Survey Questions
58 Expert Attestations Available for VVB Review
59 NPRT complete and downloaded from Verra’s online tool Available for VVB Review
60 Monitoring Plan for Climate Monitoring Plan for Climate
61 TREES Community Assessment Report Available for VVB Review
62 Monitoring Plan Supplemental Information Available for VVB Review
63 Seed Bank SOP Seed Bank SOP
64 Seed Bank Seed Merchant Certificate Seed Bank Seed Merchant Certificate
65 The Constitution of Kenya The Constitution of Kenya
66 Grievance mechanism feedback Available for VVB Review
67 Validation Verification Payment Training Deck Available for VVB Review
68 Summary of Carbon Project Registration Requirements Available for VVB Review
69 Use of Eucalyptus in Lake Victoria Basin Available for VVB Review
70 National Forest Resources Assessment Report 2021, Kenya National Forest Resources Assessment Report 2021, Kenya
71 ICRAF MIR Spectroscopy Prediction Report Available for VVB Review
72 RothC Outputs Available for VVB Review
73 Summary Properties Available for VVB Review
74 Additionality Excel Available for VVB Review
75 ICRAF ESM Soil Data Available for VVB Review
76 Summary Properties Available for VVB Review
77 Polygon Training Available for VVB Review

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